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Some advertising is more effective than others in certain circumstances, and some types of advertising seem to work better with certain products. Some consumers, despite good advertising campaigns, do not buy the advertised product and in other circumstances will buy the product, even without advertising. Other marketing components, such as price, can affect the success of advertising.
The first strength of advertising is that it reaches a wide audience. It can build awareness about a brand (inform), create a brand image and long-term brand position, and increase awareness about that brand. Advertising also serves to remind current consumers of a pleasant experience. Finally, advertising allows the repetition of messages, an important factor in memorization.
But advertising has limitations. Consumers often view advertising as intrusive. So they can avoid advertising by turning the page, changing the channel, muting the sound. Given the high number of advertisements in all media, advertising can also be seen as something that causes disorder and noise (visual pollution). As advertising reaches a lot of people, many of these people are not potential users, meaning some impact is lost.Advertising only has value for the business if it creates an easy identification for the consumer about the brand or institution being advertised. While advertising helps consumers identify the brands they want to buy, it also helps them identify the brands they want to avoid due to negative reports or experiences.
As all tools have advantages and disadvantages, communication managers must plan a communication mix in which advertising is used to maximize its strengths.